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I'm an advid nerd. . .yes, a nerd! I love all things gaming; video games, trading card games, role playing games, miniature games, etc. you name it, and I'd probably enjoy it. I'm dedicating this blog to all my nerdy thoughts. I'll post about new games I get into, old games I'm getting back into, and anything else nerdy I have to say, lol. I'm a nerd, and proud of it! :)
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

update and a bit of chaos fever ;)

well, my photo a day project never happened (as you probably realized through my absence on this blog).

i do have my camera payed off. . .all $1067.90 of it. :) very happy about this.
i still owe about $370 for my 2 lenses i purchased with the camera, and will hopefully have those payed off soon.
it'll be damn nice to get this camera kit payed off. . .it'll be the most expensive item that i've ever owned that's been completly payed off.

on another note. . .i need a computer!
i've gone without a computer for the last several years.
i love computers and can easily put a good 8-10 hours on a computer given the chance to do so.
i've been having to goto my parent's house to use a computer. . .which my dad soesn't mind, as i keep the computer very clean (of spyware and viruses. . .lol i have 4 different spyware programs i run, as well as a virus scan. . .i hate spyware). i also keep the computer running nice and fast for him (i love quad core processors! lol).
but alas. . .my parents are taking care of a couple of foster kids, and the computer is in one of the kid's rooms.
it's a major pet peeve of mine when someone watches me do whatever i'm doing on the computer. . .and the kids do alot of watching me on the computer. the one that really gets to me, is when i get on the computer. . .then the kid wants to get on lol. he's had all day to be on it but hasn't. . .but as soon as i get on "how much longer are you going to be on the computer?", "i need to get on the computer as soon as you're done", "can you look something up for me?", "are you done with the computer yet?". . .
i need my own computer again.
and damn it. . .i just had to do a little research on macs.
now i really like windows, and always have.
there's alot of hate on windows vista right now. . .and i just don't understand most of the hate.
i've loved vista since it came out. . .sure i've had problems once in awhile with drivers. . .but everything has worked itself out.
vista to me is a fun, great looking operating system. i really enjoy it.
. . .
then there's apple leopard.
after watching a billion videos on youtube, i'm amazed with this operating system.
not only does it look amazing, easy to use, and fun. . .but it runs so freaking fast.
i've seen guys doing speed tests with macs equipped with only 1gb of ram. . .they open as many programs, and videos they can. . .and show how much it slows thier computers down. . .which their computers don't seem to slow down at all.
i'm convinced. . .i need a mac.

the imac 24" is damn tempting. . .great running computers with a dedicated graphics card. . .and a huge screen (my tv is only 20" lol).
but man are the white macbooks sexxy.
it's pretty much everything i'm looking for with a computer right now.
it'll run photoshop cs3 for me, play the games i like (world of warcraft, magic online, and flash flash revolution), it's amazingly sexxy, and it's blazingly fast (i'm looking at the 2.4ghz duel core 2, 2gigs of ram model).
plus it's light (5.4 pounds), sleek, and very easy to take with me wherever i go.
i've spent hours looking at computers. . .nothing jumps out at me like the macbook (well except for the macbook pro, but that's too expensive).

i really don't have much to do at my appartment. . .besides my cell phone.
i don't have cable tv. . .the only station i get is cbs. no computer, and no video game systems (sold my wii, and ps2 to help pay for my camera, and my nintendo ds broke recently :( ).
luckly my phone is able to do so much.
it can surf the net, and it can play youtube videos (through . .but it's slow, and getting old (can't goto flash sites, or download anything. . .oh, and did i mention it's slow? heh).
so yeah. . .i need a macbook now.
i'll be waiting till at least october a9rumors are flying that apple is going to update the macbook in september). . .but when i get it, it'll be through bill me later, and i'll be using the monthly payment plan (should cost less then $60 a month which i can easily afford. . .plus there's unprotected wifi at my appartments, so i wont have to pay for the net. . .and i'd probably go to a more basic plan on my cell phone, as i'll probably never touch this phone other then for calls once i have a computer).

okay now that my huge update is over. . .
i've gotten into a new card game. . .and i'm really loving it right now.
it's called chaotic.
heh i was planning on just getting a starter deck and a few booster packs to try the game out.
i did, fell in love and have since dropped about $200 on the game in the last few weeks :p.
yeah. . .i really like this game :D.
it's simple, yet takes alot of thought on how to put the deck together. . .which creatures to use and what equipment to put on them, how to position them, what attacks work well with them, and which locations work best for them. . .there's alot to think about when throwing together a deck.
and i love building decks.
i've decided to only get my cards from boosters/starters or trading. now purchasing singles.
i miss the fun of opening booster packs, and finding a card that helps your deck. . .buying singles ruins this, and makes it pointless to buy boosters. . .though it is aalot cheaper. but i want to enjoy this game, so it's boosters for me :).

here's my deck i have built now (i've bought 5 starter decks, 9 misc. booster packs, and a dawn of perim booster box (24 packs) and no trades so far):


1 2 3
4 5

1. Klasp/ Viledriver

2. Chaor / Whepcrack

3. Magmon / Viledriver

4. Klasp / Elixir Of Tenacity

5. Kughar / Ring Of Na'Arin

6. Toxis / Ring Of Na'Arin

2x Canon Of Casualty
1x Song Of Fury
1x Discord Of Disarming
1x Melody Of Malady
1x Ember Flourish

2x Torrent Of Flame
2x Power Pulse
2x Skeletal Strike
2x Ash Torrent
2x Inferno Gust
2x Ember Swarm
1x Matagore
1x Steam Rage
2x Incinerase
2x Evaporize
2x Flashwarp

2x Underworld Colosseum
1x Lava Pond
1x Stone Pillar
2x Cordac Falls Plungepool
2x Fear Valley
2x Storm tunnel

i haven't tried it out yet as i just got my booster box today.
main goal? just to beat the living pulp out of your opponent. it's a flame based deck, with lots of flame attacks (i puule some much needed attaks from my box today, i'm especialy happy to have pulled my incinerases, flashwarps, and vaporizes as they all cost 0, and can all do 10+ damage. . .before them, my 0 costing attacks really sucked.
it looks pretty dam strong and alot of fun, so i can't wait to try it out.

here's a dream deck list i'd like to have eventually (may not be the optimal build as i thought it up in like 5 minutes. . .but it looks amazingly deadly):


1 2 3
4 5

1. Barath Beyond / Viledriver

2. Chaor / Whepcrack

3. Barath Beyond / Whepcrack

4. Magmon / Nexus fuse

5. Magmon / Nexus Fuse

6. Ulmar / Mugician's Lyre

2x Song Of Casualty
2x Song Of Revival
1x Song Of Fury
1x Discord Of Disarming

2x Force Strike
2x Enlightened Tenacity
2x Flame Orb
2x Power Pulse
2x Ash Torrent
2x Ember Swarm
2x Incinerase
2x Evaporize
2x Flashwarp
2x Reckless Reproach

2x Underworld City
2x Underworld Colosseum
2x Lava Pond
2x Castle Bodhran
2x Stone Pillar

it's pretty much like my current deck, only it's on steroids.

anyhow i could go on for awhile about chaotic. . .hehe but this post is already waaay too long.

-typed using my lg voyager
till next time,

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