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I'm an advid nerd. . .yes, a nerd! I love all things gaming; video games, trading card games, role playing games, miniature games, etc. you name it, and I'd probably enjoy it. I'm dedicating this blog to all my nerdy thoughts. I'll post about new games I get into, old games I'm getting back into, and anything else nerdy I have to say, lol. I'm a nerd, and proud of it! :)
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Friday, January 4, 2008


hey guys, just a quick post on another game i'd like to get back into; heroscape.

me and my friend both baught a master set, a few different small expansion sets, and a castle for this game about a year and a half ago.

we only ended up playing 2 or 3 games, as we were heavey into heroclix at the time, and didn't have a lot of time for this game.

it's really actually a fun game. i love being able to set up the battlefields, and the pieces are well done.
i haven't played enough games to really be able to comment on the gameplay, but from what i have played it was a fun and balanced game, with tons of strategy to take into account.

we actually started using the hex tiles in our heroclix games for awhile, which was pretty fun as well. we even had some house rules we created to make sense of all the different hieghts, and terrian types.

alas. . .my friend has all my hex tiles :( hehe, i told him he could keep them at his house (i marked the bottoms of all my pieces with a red permanent marker). . .but a couple months ago after we stopped using the tiles for anything, i told him i wanted to take my tiles back because i want to set them up for display at my place.
he acted a bit annoyed that i even asked. . .i guess he still wants to use them (they're just sitting in a bag and haven't been touched in over a year).
ah well, maybe i can convinced him to play a few more games with me. i'd really like to give the game a more serious go (and we seems to have taken a break from heroclix over the last couple of months, so it's the perfect time to get back into this miniature game).
after we get sick of the game, i'll see about getting my tiles back again.
ah nerds and thier nerdy toys :) lol.

i just bought a einar flag bearer, and a vydar flag bearer from ebay ($41 for both, shipped).
neither are too great of pieces, but i love both vydar and einar pieces, so it'll be nice having them (and the awesome colored dice they come with).
i'd still like to pick up the other 3 flag bearers, especially the ullar. . .but for now they'll have to wait (getting back into yu-gi-oh as well this month).
i figure that even if i can't convince my friend to play again, at least i'll have a couple cool pieces i can display (lol i have this entire wall covered with nerdy pics, and toys/ tcg's, comics, figures, and my other nerdy things. . .i call it my wall of nerdom, i'll have to post some images of it sometime).

anyhow, if i convince my friend back into this game, i'll post more.

on a side note, i hope to be posting more thoughts on the first 77 issues of the ultimate x-men soon. i enjoyed most of them. . .but certainly not all of them. . .more on this soon hopefully.

i'd also like to post up some pictures of my first 5 warhammer 40k pieces i painted several months ago.
thier the first miniatures i've ever painted. . .and although they're far from great, i'm really proud of how well i did. (i spent anywhere from 6-12 hours on each piece).

okay, so maybe this won't be just a quick post after all!! :p lol

as always. . .posted from my phone (verizon lg voyager).

till next time,

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